Thursday, July 27, 2017

Topic Sentences

Image result for tomorrow's friday animated gif

Choose 3 topics and write 2 topic sentences for each. Write your answers in the class doc.
Remember, ask yourself: 

  • is it a sentence? Does it have a subject AND a verb?
  • does it have a topic? 
  • does it have a controlling idea? 
  • is it too broad? too narrow? announcing the topic? confusing? 

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Process Topic Sentences

Image result for process quotes

Choose 3 of the process charts and write a topic sentence for each, we will go over them in class tomorrow. Feel free to do all of them if you would like. 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


Related image
Read the first Amelia Earhart article and 
make sure you understand it.