Friday, September 29, 2017

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Do over! Topic sentences

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Look over your process paragraph topic sentences and make any corrections based on what we talked about in class today. Share with me when you have finished.  

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Friday, September 22, 2017


Image result for welcome autumn

Finish AW: Parallelism 01 - we'll go over the answers on Monday, and there will be a quiz on parallelism too! SO, I would recommend you read over the other worksheets. 

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Finish off the Spider-man readings and be prepared to fill out our class Venn Diagram.

Image result for spider-man animated gif

Monday, September 18, 2017

Monday writing!

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Me this morning as I came to work! 
Happy Monday!!

Your homework today is to make sure that you have finished your essay. 

Friday, September 15, 2017

Cause & Effect: outline

Image result for prepare for an essay

Write an outline for one of your fishbone diagrams, you will be writing an essay about it on Monday. If you want to change and discuss the cause & effect of another global issue feel free. Just remember that Monday's topic will be: Discuss the cause(s) and effect(s) of a global issue that interests you or that you know lots about. 

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Fishbone Diagram

Image result for fishbone

Do 2 fishbone diagrams - one for the causes of the global issue you have chosen and one for the effects of the global issues you have chosen. 

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wild Weather Reading

Image result for snoopy wild weather
Read the article "Wild Weather" and answer the questions that are found in the slides.

For those of you who are interested here are the topics that can be for the descriptive essay. Choose one and share with me when you are done.

  1. A construction site: Think of the sounds of machinery and smells of construction materials. You might even be able to describe conversations between workers.
  2. A waiting room: Consider the mood of the room and how people interact. How do strangers interact when placed in a quiet room together?
  3. A gas station restroom: I hate to ask, but is it possible to describe how this room might smell?
  4. A cemetery at dusk: The time of year, the weather, and the light will be important in your description of a cemetery. Is the mood somber or creepy?
  5. A line at an amusement park ride: Think about how the temperature and the length of the line might play an important role in your description. Does a 90 degree day and a 30 minute wait change the mood of the people in line?
  6. The contents of your purse or wallet: Describe what the items look like, but also describe their importance or significance. Do you carry any sentimental items?
  7. A painting or picture: Describe the subject of the painting or photograph. Do the background images have any significance? What is the history behind the painting or picture?
  8. Your favorite toy from childhood: Can you describe to readers why the toy was your favorite? What is the toy made of? Is it soft and cuddly or made of plastic or steel?
  9. The street in front of your home: Paint a clear picture for your readers by describing the street itself, what surrounds the street, and who uses the street? What noises are associated with the street? Are there any distinctive smells or sights?
  10. A tattoo: Colors, lines, and concept will play an important role in describing a tattoo. If known, you might also include a description of the tattoo’s meaning.
  11. A frightening, funny, or embarrassing subway ride: Describe how frightened you were when you were trapped in a dark subway car for hours. Perhaps describe how embarrassed you felt when you broke the heel of your shoe running to catch the train. Or, describe how a subway performer changed your day.
  12. Feeling alone in a room–not knowing anyone at the party, in a new school, or in a class: Think about the emotions you felt. How can you describe this to others so they, too, feel how you felt in that instant? Did the shape of the room or placement of the people contribute to your feelings?
  13. A visit to an emergency room: Describe the sounds of doctors, patients, and medical devices to your readers. Describe your thoughts and feelings. Consider how you might describe the chaos or calm in the ER at any given time.
  14. Getting lost in a strange new place (a city or even on your campus): Combine the panic you might feel along with a clear description of the sights and sounds around you to help readers understand your emotions and see your surroundings.
  15. Meeting up with a long-lost friend (or ex-boyfriend/girlfriend): Consider how you might describe the person. Does he or she look different than when you last met? How did you feel when you first saw your friend or ex? Does the place where you met play a role in your description?

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Image result for traffic snoopy

Finish the Paraphrasing exercises in my document and we will go over the answers tomorrow in class. 

Monday, September 11, 2017

Reading: Chili Peppers

Related imageRead the article about chili peppers and start to think about what you would like to write about for your descriptive essay which is due on Wednesday.  

Thursday, September 7, 2017