Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Compare/Contrast Paragraphs

Related imageFinish your outlines and write a compare/contrast paragraph, focus on either the subject by subject style or the point by point style. Please write your paragraph in my document. 

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Compare & Contrast: Spider-Man

Create a Venn diagram for the readings about the creation of Spider-Man. We will discuss it in class tomorrow. 
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Monday, April 23, 2018

Cause & Effect Essay

Image result for animated kawaii animalsHOMEWORK
Write a cause and effect essay for Wednesday. Share with me once you have finished. 

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Cause & Effect Essay

Reading and answer the questions for Activity 3 in the following document. (It's pages 8 - 11.) We'll discuss the answers tomorrow in class. 

Image result for tomorrow friday

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Fish bone

Image result for fishbone animated
Choose 2 (two) global issues of your choice and do two fish bone diagrams, for one of the diagrams you need to look at the causes and for the other effects. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Wild Weather

Image result for wild weather
Read and answer the questions for "Wild Weather", we'll go over the answers in class tomorrow. 

Class notes

Monday, April 16, 2018

Descriptive Writing Essay

Image result for write cartoon
Write an essay about one of the descriptive topics given in the slideshow. Try to write at least 500 words. Please hand in for Wednesday. 

Class notes

Wednesday, April 11, 2018


Related imageHOMEWORK
Do Adjectives (Word Order) worksheet Parts 1 - V. Please answer in MY DOCUMENT. We'll go over the answers tomorrow in class. 

Thursday, March 22, 2018


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Write a full introduction for one of your hooks or choose a new one. 


  • to think carefully about what kind of hook you want to use
  • to have more than 3 sentences
  • to have a clear thesis statement

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Hooks, Thesis Statements, & Outlines

Image result for food gif kawaii
Do the the "Hook Exercises" found in our slide presentation: 

  • Part I - choose 2 topics and write a hook for each
  • Part II - choose 1 topic and write a hook, thesis statement, and outline for it. 

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Thesis Statements

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  • Write thesis statements for the topics in Exercise 02 -> Student Doc. 
  • If you wrote a paragraph yesterday, and would like me to look at it, please share it with me. 

Meanwhile in Vancouver ... 
Image result for first day of spring

Friday, March 16, 2018

Topic Sentences & Brainstorming for supporting sentences

Image result for happy saint patrick's day gifHOMEWORK
Choose 2 topics and write 2 topic sentences for each. Then brainstorm the different things you COULD include if you were to write the paragraph. When you are brainstorming, try to think of at least 4 different things that you could include in the paragraph.
** Here's the document.

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Note: St. Patrick's Day is March 17th. 

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Topic Sentences

Image result for dancing leprechaun gif

Choose 3 topics and write 2 topic sentences for each. Remember to not be too broad, too narrow or to announce your topic. Please have your topic sentences in MY document. Thanks =)

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Sentence Types

Related imageHomework
Do "Types of Sentences" - Types of sentence 02 (all) & Compound-Complex sentences (first 8). 

Class notes

Monday, March 12, 2018


Image result for ready for spring

* Finish editing "The Biological Clock", we finished at number 14. 

* Also look at the essays/paragraphs that you shared with me and edit/proofread them. I will read them on Wednesday. 

Class Notes

Friday, March 9, 2018

Paragraph writing or RELAX?!

Image result for have a good weekend gif

Unless you didn't finish your 2 body paragraphs (your position & your refutation). Make sure you share with me! 
So far NO ONE has shared their paragraphs with me :-(

Thursday, March 8, 2018


Image result for be preparedHOMEWORK
There really isn't any homework for today UNLESS you have not done your outlines and brainstorming. Come prepared to write at least 2 paragraphs tomorrow in class. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2018



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  • Do up to the "stop sign" in the "Refuting an Argument" worksheet. 
  • Please make sure you have done TWO outlines for two different topics you would like to discuss. 

Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Related imageDo Transitions 02 & Opinion Composition (transitions 03) - exercises 1 & 2 for tomorrow. 
IF you haven't finished your outline and shared it with me yet, please do so. 

Friday, March 2, 2018

Thesis STatements

Do exercise 2 and 3 in Thesis Statement Exercise 02 (SS Copy), remember to work in your own copy. 

Thursday, March 1, 2018


Image result for tomorrow's friday

Finish reading the article "Why would anyone miss war?", and answer the questions in the two first sections of our slide presentation. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

What's your opinion?

Image result for non political propaganda


  1. Find an example of propaganda in your country. 
  2. Think of 3 opinion/argument/persuasion topics you would be interested in writing about. 

Class Notes

Monday, February 26, 2018

Compare / Contrast Essay

Image result for writing gif
Write a compare/contrast essay for Friday. ** Remember to focus on having a clear introduction & thesis statement, and well identified body paragraphs. Topic is of your choice. 

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Relax or Study

Some of you have an exam on FRIDAY and some of you had an exam TODAY, so there is no homework for our class!
Image result for relax or study before exam

If you would like to do a Cause and Effect essay, I am still accepting them. 

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Venn Diagrams

Image result for comparing two thingsHomework
Complete a venn diagram comparing TWO different subjects. There are many suggestions in our slide show or you can choose one of your own. 

Class Notes

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Compare & Contrast: Spider-Man

Image result for spider man animated gif

Finish the readings about Spider-Man and answer questions 1,2 & 3. Think about the similarities and differences in both articles, we will be doing a Venn Diagram in class tomorrow.  

Thursday, February 15, 2018

Fishbone Diagrams

Make sure you have two fishbone diagrams that talk about global issues for tomorrow, one should focus on the CAUSES of a global issue and the other should focus on the EFFECTS of  another global issue. 

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Today in class we looked at cause and effect paragraph outlines, when someone reads your paragraphs, they should be able to do something similar to this. 
Class notes

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Happy Valentine's Day

Choose 2 global issues, for one do a fishbone diagram that talks about the causes of that global issue; and for the other do a fishbone diagram that talks about the effects. Feel free to do it either on paper or on your computer. 
Image result for fish valentine

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Friday, February 9, 2018

Trends & Variety


  • Do Part III # 1 - 20 in the "Sentence Variety" worksheet. Feel free to do more if you would like, and share with me if you would like feedback. 
  • Write a brief essay talking about the acid level in mouth graph found in our slides, and share with me if you would like feedback. 
  • Also if you haven't finished off writing about your two graphs in our document, please do so. 
Class Notes

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Monday, February 5, 2018

Paraphrase & Essay

** Finish the paraphrase activity that we started today in class.
** Finish your "Process Essay" and share with me by Wednesday. 

Class Notes

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Shifts & Essays


  • You should have ready to send me: an exemplification essay and 2 process paragraphs for this weekend.
  • Feel free to finish the worksheet on "Illogical Shifts", I will share the answers with you on Friday. 

Class Notes

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Exemplification Essay

Image result for writing quotesHOMEWORK

  • Choose 4 diagrams and write a topic sentence for each that would start a hypothetical process paragraph. 
  • Work on your exemplification essay - topic of your choice & aim for 5 paragraphs long.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Transition words & then ... an ESSAY

Image result for new week quotes

For tonight, I would like you to do the exercise on Cohesive Elements (transition words) and share with me when you are done. 

For Friday, I would like you to write a 5 paragraph Exemplification/Illustration essay. You can use the topics that are in our document or think of one of your own. If you do one that is not on the list, please talk to me beforehand. 

Friday, January 26, 2018


Image result for weekend relaxation quotes

There is no homework this weekend, but if you haven't done your essay, please finish it and share it with me. Thanks =)

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Working on my essay ....

Image result for essay writing

Write a 5 paragraph essay about the topic of your choice, try to include at least 2 external sources. Share with me by Friday January 26. 

Monday, January 22, 2018


Last week we looked at the different parts of an essay, now you need to put all those elements together and write an essay of your choice. Hand in your essay for FRIDAY January 26.

For tomorrow I would like to know your topic and see an outline. 

Things to do for your essay: 

  1. choose type of essay
  2. choose topic of essay - talk to Amber
  3. generate ideas
  4. outline essay
  5. research essay - try to use information from at least two external sources
  6. write
  7. proofread/ edit
  8. hand in
Class Notes

Friday, January 19, 2018


Related imageHOMEWORK
Choose two topics from our list and write an introduction for each. Share it with me when you have finished. REMEMBER that this is just an introduction - focus on Hook, Transition, and Thesis Statement. 

Class Notes

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Hooks & thesis statements

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** Write an outline for one of the topics you have generated ideas for. 
** Write a thesis statement and hook for Part II, Topic#1

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Thesis Statements

Image result for energy quotesWrite thesis statements for the different topics, we'll go over your thesis statements tomorrow in class. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Writing Process - Define & Brainstorm


  • Make any changes to your paragraphs that were for homework yesterday, I will read them on Wednesday. 
  • Brainstorm for one or two of the essay topics in the slide presentation. 
  • Start to think of some different essay topics you would like to write about, think of at least FOUR (4) - you won't be writing about all of them, but it is good to have variety. 
Image result for writing quotes for students

Brainstorming Example