Friday, April 8, 2016

Descriptive Essay Assignment

This week we looked at different aspects of descriptive writing, which uses a reader's senses to get a picture of what the author wants to say. 

For your writing assignment this week, you need to write an essay that describes a cultural aspect from your country to someone who has never experienced it before. Your cultural aspect can be a food, an ingredient, an event, a festival, a location, or even a person - you decide as there is no limit to what can be described. For example, I could describe a hockey game to you. 

You should write at least 3 paragraphs because an essay has an INTRODUCTION, BODY and CONCLUSION. Each body paragraph should describe ONE aspect of what you are talking about.  

Before sharing it with me, remember to ask yourself these questions: 

  • Does my essay have any structure mistakes? Capitalization? Spacing? Punctuation?
  • Does my essay have any grammar mistakes?
    • Subject-Verb agreement?
    • Use of plural nouns?
    • Word choice fits the context?
    • Verb tense?
    • Spelling?  

Make a copy of the google doc and share with me when you are finished. Please include your name and share by Monday, April 11 @ noon

OWL Purdue Writing Lab: Descriptive Essay
Butte College: Tip Sheet - writing a descriptive essay

We looked at modifiers, so if you are interested in a little more practice and info visit Chomp Chomp: Misplaced & Dangling Modifiers. There are plenty more exercises and it has explanations for the answers. 

Or you can visit the following sites: 
Dangling and Misplaced Modifiers - multiple choice questions
LinguisTech: Tips & Tricks
LearnEnglishFeelGood .com - dangling modifiers / multiple choice, the page also has other activities, if you check out the exercise link at the bottom. 

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